Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Monument comes to an end...

...the glob of material the previous builder left us between 8 and 11 greens had its final form. Yesterday we drove in... yes we drove in a bunch of material. In doing so we extended the monument and connected it back to the fairway. It is a flat top mound, some 70 meters long, with smooth banks. You could play volleyball on the top with no problem. Its shape fits with the geological forms on-site and in the area. A rounded mound or mounds would have looked... for lack of a better word... "dumb".

I'd never have planned this form on paper in a million years, what I called "The Monument to Stupidity", but it was there as a gift to deal with from the previous builders... and now it looks pretty damn good. Almost as if it had been there a million years.

Tony Ristola
+1(909) 581 0080