Friday, March 14, 2008

Compacting and Floating Part II

Were about half way through compacting the trenches and sprinkler heads on holes 6 & 7, and the compacting revealed areas that would have sunk; not many but in our case one instance is one too many. Fixing these areas after the grass has grown is a nightmare.

Now that they’re compacted, and smoothed out by floating (a wood box dragged behind the Smithco (Ferrari) sand pro) the surface looks perfect, and should remain so.

If the lines sink, you have to fill the sunken ground, compact it and seed it. In some cases you have to remove the turf before filling. Then there is the problem with mowing. As the grass is establishing, you don’t want to run over it with a mower…killing it, so you’re dancing around these areas. Doing the job correctly the first time save tons of head aches.

Tony Ristola
+1 (909) 581 0080