The green is a little like those built by Seth Raynor some 80-years ago.
There are bunkers to the left of the green, buffering the wetland. This bunker, to the front right was edged yesterday evening.
Mr. Peanut attacked this bunker before my arrival, so this is the "before" photo, and what follows are yesterday evening's work. If you want to see more work by the lovable Mr. Peanut that had to be undone, click here:

The following photos's are courtesy of and are from Yeaman's Hall's, also the third hole, and also 130-meters; a product of pure coincidence. It is a Seth Raynor design in South Carolina, built in 1925. I visited and photographed this course about 14-years ago.
The course has several memorable holes, this being one of them. I loved the concept for its simplicity, the daring element of the shot for such a short hole on a flat stretch of ground.
This hole did come to mind when looking at solutions for our 3rd hole, but I didn't reference anything other than my memory bank; wanting our hole to be wholly individual.
The only similarity between our 3rd and Yeaman Hall's is the elevated nature of the greensite, and the length.

Tony Ristola
+1 (909) 581 0080