No plans were used to create one of these contours, they simply evolved while sitting on the bulldozer. Every roll and hollow, hump and bump is man made.
Originally the area was to be capped with clay, and if you look close you can see a pile of two the previous company delivered. After my arrival we switched to capping the area with sand. It saved installing kilometers of drainage, and all the problems that result from using this inferior material.
We trucked out almost all the clay material brought in, except for a pile that was near the turning point on the 6th. That served as the spark for the ledged/split fairway concept on 6... the high point of the two fairways.
Had we used clay, we still might be trying to finish this hole! In the summer of 2007 we had constant rain, the longest dry stretch being 10 days, and the clay... even if properly sealed would have been an ordeal to shape, drain, install irrigation, cap with topsoil and seed. I say "properly sealed" because not one delivery of material to a greensite, fairway or tee was properly sealed... in the end it didn't matter because all the work the previous company had done delivering material was trucked away.