The options are to either hit your tee shot down the right along the birch tree which can bring the Witches into play, or try to place your tee shot between the Three Bears and the Witches. The final option is to play shot of all the trouble, but take yourself out of position to go for the green in two.
There is a ton of fairway, must be 70 meters of it, so the final option might be to aim for the Witches, knowing you won't hit it straight, and play on from there. See bottom photo.
The raw material
Mama Bear and Baby Bear have been edged.
Done. Now to take out the spoils and fill with sand.
How they appear from further out. Baby Bear is hidden.
To the right are The Witches, yet to be edged... with a worker to the right of them. It gives an indication of the massive fairway made more interesting by the Bears and Witches.
Tony Ristola
+1(909) 581 0080