Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The center of the operation: Da Voiteknik 8600

Some projects have bits that become iconic to those building it; people, machines, moments. We've had all three at Sand Valley, with Da Voiteknik 8600 the butt of many jokes.

We needed a trailer to haul this and that from the site. The typical stuff; wood, branches, debris, smaller quantities of construction materials, so at the time our general manager thought he found us a real deal. We could have this thing for free! One hitch... we had to send it to the local shop to get fixed. I guess he didn't ask the price, and they saw a city slicker ready for a real bargain. When we finally got the trailer to the site (after a long delay) we learned we could have bought two almost new trailers for the same price!!!

The name honors the tough negotiator, and the number reflects the price.

It's our mechanized icon.

Da Voiteknik 8600 (center... of attention) was worth the price, just in jokes.

It works! Except the adaptor to connect the hydraulics the fixer-uppers put on wasn't compatible with our tractor.