The title of the thread says it all. I'm damn near euphoric.
I didn't think we'd get to Nr. 1 fairway this early. The weather has been good, so it's off to shape this hole while we can. The start is heavy clay, then transitions to sandier material, then transitions to clay past the Landing Area and towards the green it's a mix.
The fairway was stripped of topsoil by the previous builders, and left to erode during the rains last summer, autumn and winter. All we could do is look on and cringe. We did manage to put a handful of catch basins in, and I hoped to shape to them last year, but the weather didn't give us a break. Now I'm shaping to these basins. Should it rain, we'll finally be able to control the flow of water.
Damn this feels good.
Tony Ristola
+1 (909) 581 0080