I’ve learned the machine is going to require some serious repairs. The engine will have to be taken apart and put back together, the hydraulics as well, and the electronics are shot. Prediction is 6-months in the shop. Ouch! One month for every week the machine has been working.
This is the century mark for Sand Valley BLOGs. Today we have better weather, wind and sun, and a little warmth to begin drying out the site.
I was out shaping in the 6th greensite this afternoon, and will work from there back to the tee.
First things first. A diver goes in to assess the situation. He made several dives during the day.
Attempt Nr. 1 at extrication. The start of a long day.
9-hours after the first attempt the "Yellow Submarine" is in dry dock.
Tony Ristola
+1 (909) 581 0080