Friday, August 10, 2007

Sometimes Walking Away is the Best Thing To Do

The day started off full of enthusiasm as I started chipping away at the material blocked in for the 7th green. Then I pushed more into the banks of the green from the deep bunker fronting it. Then I hit a creative wall, and changed the direction of the spine running through the green.

I still wasn’t satisfied as the green lacked the essential ingredient to make the shot more challenging from the left side of the fairway than the riskier right side. About this time I went for a walk across the property to check on the progress there and speak with the other guys.

Upon returning to the greensite I hit upon the key that made the strategy, drainage and beauty of the green all come together. By the time darkness fell I was thrilled with the result. A rolling green, some would say “wild”, that fits the land, drives the strategy of the hole, and will never bore.

I left with more enthusiasm than when I arrived.

Tony Ristola
+1 (909) 581 0080