Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Naturalizing the Creek

I had staked a new section of meandering creek that runs from between the 6th tees and 7th green in a large area that isn’t used by the golfers, but is visible to them. The original operator ignored the stakes that made the creek weave back and forth because the end product was pretty much a straight line. How he accomplished this feat I’ll never know.

Today I had our new operator slash the banks and get the creek weaving back and forth. Not only that, I wanted him to make the banks rough and uneven, and to do it as fast as he could. At first, he looked a little dazed, as it is not in the normal repertoire of instructions given to guys in construction. Having learned to make things flat, clean and smooth they find it hard to believe that someone would desire something gouged and slashed; like a rookie operator who had consumed a bottle of vodka before climbing into the machine.

He got the feeling, and did a fine job, and he did it fast. After the banks have grown in, I’m sure people will believe Mother Nature, the forces of water cut the path, not a guy sitting in a 20 ton machine.

Tony Ristola
+1 (909) 581 0080