Saturday, July 14, 2007

Sing Hallelujah!

Damn, we finally got a full days work in. Being Saturday we had to keep the guys 7 hours past their normal cut off time to do it; Saturdays the guys usually finish at 14:00.

To start the day we had to go through the usual post-rain procedure and repair a few wet sections of road… but tomorrow looks better. No road repairs, just slamming in the sand I had hoped we would have finished a couple weeks ago.

What’s great is the forecast for next week looks like summer has arrived for Round 2.

Reading the daily score (this BLOG) you would think I had a job with The Weather Channel; perhaps after this project. What it illustrates is what the major concerns are when building. Right now it’s 100% about the weather 100% of the time because we’ve had a poor patch that’s virtually closed us down for almost two weeks.

We’re hoping, our most reliable of the half dozen sites we monitor is on the money. If they are, we’ll be singing Hallelujah for at least a week.

Sing Hallelujah!

Tony Ristola
+1 (909) 581 0080