The previous construction company deposited about 70 truckloads of fill with out doing the proper prep-work for the 10th greensite. Added to that the fact we are changing the construction method for the greens, we have about 800 cubic meters (880 cubic yards) of fill that has to find a home. So, instead of a greensite built-up about 1 to 1.2 meters (3 to 4 feet), the downhill par-3 will change to a low, rolling green. The mass of fill will be pushed in front of the greensite to cut off and redirect water flow from the hillside to the wetland right of green 10, and we’ll slash a series of bunkers from them. I think it’s a better solution than the original hole. The mass of bunkers fronting green 10 will make the perfect transition to the waste area that runs for 500 meters left of Hole 10, and the wetland to its right.

Standing on clay pile up for the 10th greensite. The clay was dumped on the greensite without stripping the organic material under the green first. The hillside is another bit of the previous builder's wunderwerk; another story for another day.With the tees on a hill, and the bunkers now calling for a forced carry, we’ve opted to have the ladies play from the men’s back tee, a wee bit more diagonal angle of attack, and turn this hole into a short par-4 for them. It’s better than benching a tee into the hillside (which I find unsightly) to make the hole playable. It will make a fun short par-4 for the ladies while preserving the panorama from the tee high on the hill.
Tony Ristola
+1 (909) 581 0080