Sunday, April 29, 2007

Polnglish and Those Crazy Finns

Woke up this morning, a bright clear morning like all the others but this time found a thin layer of frost on the front window of my Nissan 4x4! Say what? This after some nice days of beach weather?! It was 2 degrees Celsius at 05:30 and there were two Finns sitting outside at the hotel in their t-shorts talking up a storm after a good night of fun…those crazy Finns. Have to admit, my parents are Finns. I know where it comes from.

While in Rostock they taught me it doesn’t matter which way the east wind blows, it always brings something nasty with it! Today was an ideal spring day for golf; crisp, clear, and a wee bit windy. The guys in Rostock weren’t 100% correct.

Good thing building golf courses can be reduced to a few words, numbers, making sculptures in the dirt, arm waving, and sketches because I slept through my Polish courses in school. Now I have to learn everything I missed. Below is my first Polish lesson, and as I learn some Polish the boys in the machines are learning English. When it’s all done we’ll be fluent in Polnglish.

For those who speak Polish…apologies.
Doek = Cut
Gurka (just like pickle in some languages) = Fill
Spadek = Slope
Prasovach = Steep
Luckily plus and minus are the same in English and Polish…they just pronounce them differently, but they do that in South Carolina too!

Tony Ristola
+1 (909) 581 0080